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Tag: xml

How to update xml file using python beautifulsoup

I have a xml file for which I have to update a value of tag. Below is the content of the file In the above content, I have to update the value of path with new valueBelow is the code I have: But its not getting updated in xml file. Can anyone please help. Thanks Answer Using ElementTree (no need

Adding n after every element in an XML python

I’m making an automation that takes an existing XML file, changes one of the values and overwrites the file. My main problem is that its important for me to keep the formatting of the original file and i can’t manage to do that, the new data has no line breaks and its all just a long line. My code is:

Parse xsi:type=”” in Python using ElementTree

I know there are a few similar questions but none of the solutions seemed to work. I need to parse and XML file using python. I am using Elementree I am trying to print the value X. It is working as long as I am just looking for X-Values within EndPosition but I have to look for within all MoveToType.

Python combining html and xml files into a single dictionary

I’m trying to combine html files (text) and xml files (metadata) into a single flat dictionary which I’ll write as a Json. The files are contained in the same folder and have following name structure: abcde.html abcde.html.xml Here’s my simplified code, my issue is that I had to separate the xml meta-data writing into Normally, I would add an elif

Python lxml find text efficiently

Using python lxml I want to test if a XML document contains EXPERIMENT_TYPE, and if it exists, extract the <VALUE>. Example: Is there a faster way than iterating through all elements? That attempt is also getting messy when I want to extract the <VALUE>. Answer Preferably you do this with XPath which is bound to be incredibly fast. My sugestion

Inaccurate resulte from Bing Maps Geocode Dataflow

I am using a Python POST request to geocode the addresses of my company’s branches, but I’m getting wildly inaccurate results. I looked at this answer, but the problem is that some results aren’t being processed. My problem is different in that all of my results are inaccurate, even ones with Confidence=”High”. And I do have an enterprise account. Here’s

How to handle implicit namespaces modifying XML in python xml.etree.ElementTree

Edit: others have responded showing xslt as a better solution for the simple problem I have posted here. I have deleted my answer for now. I’ve been through about a dozen StackOverflow posts trying to understand how to import an XML document that has namespaces, modify it, and then write it without changing the namespaces. I discovered a few things

Split a nested XML string to get a string using parser

I have this string : My goal is to extract Panneau de polystyrène expansé (PSE) ignifugé réalisant une fonction d’isolation thermique pour unnm² de surface en assurant la résistance thermique de R = 3.55 K.m².W-1. so the text between <run> and </run> I did it with regular expression but it doesn’t work with some xml string so I tried with
