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Tag: xml-parsing

Find Placemarks in kml file

I want to find all the Placemarks in a kml file: This doesn’t work, i.e. it doesn’t find anything, I think because each Placemark is unique in that each has its own id, e.g.: How do I do this? Edit: changed code based on @ScottHunter comment: length is 0 Answer It’s hard to tell without seeing the full file, but

Create a DataFrame from a XML File

im new to XML and i want to know how to create a dataframe in python from this XML file. I have the following code, it creates the DataFrame but when i tried to append the value of the row, i dont know why it keeps coming “None”. I dont know if i have to change de calling argument i.e

Split a nested XML string to get a string using parser

I have this string : My goal is to extract Panneau de polystyrène expansé (PSE) ignifugé réalisant une fonction d’isolation thermique pour unnm² de surface en assurant la résistance thermique de R = 3.55 K.m².W-1. so the text between <run> and </run> I did it with regular expression but it doesn’t work with some xml string so I tried with

How to replace an XML node via python

I am new in python and I have a – maybe – stupid problem with XML files (yep, I’ve tried to google the solution but without results). I have to write a program which will replace/switch two things, so first of all, here is the XML data, it looks like this: How in python i could change some_name to be

using “getElementsByTagName” to get tag in python

my XML file is my code is I want to get value of element with tagname ‘string name=”ID”‘ but the error comes if i replace to the output comes “nCGhwaZNpy6” since its the first element of that list but second element is “02.11.2013 Scott Mobile” which also get saved in list which i don’t want however there are two string

xml.etree.ElementTree get node depth

The XML: The code: The output: The Xml represents a tree like structure of a sitemap. I have been up and down the docs and Google all day and can’t figure it out hot to get the node depth of entries. I used counting of the children container but that only works for the first parent and then it breaks
