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Tag: xml

Multiple XML files in directory Python

I am fairly new to Python and this community has been a great help! I am learning a lot. I’m trying to use this existing code to loop through multiple XML files in the same directory. Currently, the code is looking at one specific file. Any help is greatly appreciated! Answer This should help you…

How to Declare Schemas in your XML Header using lxml

I want my XML to look like this, with two schemas associated in the beginning: How can I achieve this using the lxml library in python: I know the first line is added using Answer The “first line” is the XML declaration. It’s a special construct that can only exist once in an XML file and its only purpose is

Group branches in an XML tree with Python on a common field

I have a list of order details in a CSV, and want to join all items from the lines together on one order. Example date is: I want everything to be listed in an XML with the root as the Order Number, Child as the Line Number and Sub-Children as Item and Price. I want the output to look like:

Create a dictionary from an XML using xpath

I would like to create a dictionary from an XML file unsing xpath. Here’s an example of the XML: What I would like it’s having the contract ID as key and the unwanted patterns as value. Here’s my code: I get the error “unhashable type: ‘list'”. Thank you for your help, the output should look like that: {1: 0,1 2:

XML/lxml Parsing first occurrence using something like [0] maybe?

The code below returns all the “str1″‘s but I only want the first “str1” for each one of these: CrntRgstns->BrnchOfLocs->BrnchOfLoc. As in just “13A MAIN ST” not also “8 WATER ST.” Is there some type of [0] that would accomplish this? Thank you. Current Code: Current Output: Desired Output: xml for 1 individual: Answer To fetch first item, use [1]

how to post xml in python

i am trying to post string as xml, here is the code: response from server: i also tried code like this: response from server: Answer HTTP 415 is Unsupported Media Type – this suggest your request is missing or has incorrect Content-Type header. Try:

XML file parsing with Python

I am having trouble parsing data in this manner for an XML file which is converted to a CSV: For the first column, I would like to get the general name tag (recordingSystem, Ports, etc) and concatenate it with the subNames in the row tags (closedFileCount, processedFileCount, etc) The tag where the subName is located keeps changing, it could be
