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Tag: xml

How to replace an XML node via python

I am new in python and I have a – maybe – stupid problem with XML files (yep, I’ve tried to google the solution but without results). I have to write a program which will replace/switch two things, so first of all, here is the XML data, it looks like this: How in python i could change some_name to be

Extracting items from xml file and make a dataframe with python

I am trying to extract the following values from an xml file: NAME, Mode,LEVELS,Group,Type and after I want to make data.frame. The problem I having so far is that I cannot get <Name>ALICE</Name> variables and output data.frame format is different than I need. Here is the some post that I used when I built my read_xml function Extracting text

odoo domain filter many2many?

i’am added a car field in product template which related to the car model that contains all cars, also i’am work in multi compny, and i’am also added a many2many relation with car model, all i need is to filter the cars in product template and display all cars that i have been assign in the company this is my

How do I extract value of XML attribute in Python?

I need to extract the value of an attribute in an XML document using Python. For example, If I have an XML document like this: How would I be able get the text ‘smallHuman’ or ‘largeHuman’ to store in a variable? Edit: I’m very new to Python and may require a lot of assistance. This is what I’ve tried so

How to parse xml from local file or url with lxml?

I try to use lxml to parse xml, but I have a problem: Here is my code: I’m a newbie on lxml. Please help me to fix this issue. There is my xml content One more, could we have parse xml from url with lxml. Thanks & Best Regards, Answer The reason you are getting the error message invalid x

Python Element Tree Writing to New File

Hi so I’ve been struggling with this and can’t quite figure out why I’m getting errors. Trying to export just some basic XML into a new file, keeps giving me a TypeError. Below is a small sample of the code Answer The ElementTree.write method defaults to us-ascii encoding and as such expects a file opened for writing binary: The output

Parsing XML with Pykml

I have the following xml file I got from QGIS I would like to recursively substitute the value “2” in the field using the information included in the “description” field REALNAME2 in order to have respectively as final output in my kml any suggestions? Answer I recommend you to use the element tree API together with XPath. It’s quite easy
