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Tag: text

Python regular expression how to deal with multiple back slash

I’m dealing with text data and having problem erasing multiple back slashes. I found out that using .sub works quite well. So I coded as below to erase back slash+r n t f v However, the code above can’t deal with the string below. So coded as this: But it’s showing result like this.. I don’t know why this happens.

Problems Removing Duplicated Words from Pandas Row

I am working on an NLP assignment and having some problems removing duplicated strings from a pandas column. The data I am using is tagged, so some of the rows of data were repeated because the same comment could have multiple tags. So what I did was group the data by ID and Comment and aggregated based on tags, like

Convert Text File into Pandas Dataframe

I want to create a dataframe from a textfile. I scraped some data from a website and wrote it into a .txt file. There are 10 ‘columns’, as shown in the first 10 lines of the text file. Can anyone help me with seperating the lines into the respective columns in a pandas dataframe format? Much appreciated! The following is

Conditionally merge lines in text file

I’ve a text file full of common misspellings and their corrections. All misspellings, of the same intended word, should be on the same line. I do have this somewhat done, but not for all misspellings of the same word. misspellings_corpus.txt (snippet): Desired: template: wrong1, wrong2, wrongN->correct Attempt: Answer Store the correct spelling of your words as keys of a dictionary

I’m trying to create a table from text

I want to create a table with two columns separated by “:”. So the capitalized words as the first column and everything after the “:” as the second column. I was originally tried to do this from a PDF but that wasn’t working so I copied it to a text file thinking it might be easier that way. I’m very

Split a nested XML string to get a string using parser

I have this string : My goal is to extract Panneau de polystyrène expansé (PSE) ignifugé réalisant une fonction d’isolation thermique pour unnm² de surface en assurant la résistance thermique de R = 3.55 K.m².W-1. so the text between <run> and </run> I did it with regular expression but it doesn’t work with some xml string so I tried with

How to remove urls between texts in pandas dataframe rows?

I am trying to solve a nlp problem, here in dataframe text column have lots of rows filled with urls like http.somethingsomething.some of the urls and other texts have no space between them for example- ‘:http:\something’,’;http:\something’,’,http:\something’. so there sometime , before url text without any space and sometime something else but mostly , ,. ,:, ;. and url either at

Meaningless Spacy Nouns

I am using Spacy for extracting nouns from sentences. These sentences are grammatically poor and may contain some spelling mistakes as well. Here is the code that I am using: Code Output: Similarly for sentence “fast foward2”, I get Spacy noun as Which shows that these nouns have some meaningless words like: sfx, foward2, ms, 64x, bit, pwm, r, brailledisplayfastmovement,
