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Tag: cosine-similarity

Cosine Similarity between two words in a context in Python

I am trying to perform in python the cosine similarity between two words which are in a dataset of texts (each text represents a tweet). I want to evaluate the similarity based on the context where they are placed. I have set a code like the following: The result is the similarity between the texts but I want the similarity

Sort dictionary python by value (word2vec)

I want to sort my dict by value, but if I apply this code it doesn’t work (it print only my key-value pairs without any kind of sorting). If I change key=lambda x: x[1] to x[0] it correctly sort by key, so I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. My code: Answer You’re trying to sort sets, and Python isn’t

What’s the fastest way in Python to calculate cosine similarity given sparse matrix data?

Given a sparse matrix listing, what’s the best way to calculate the cosine similarity between each of the columns (or rows) in the matrix? I would rather not iterate n-choose-two times. Say the input matrix is: The sparse representation is: In Python, it’s straightforward to work with the matrix-input format: Gives: That’s fine for a full-matrix input, but I really
