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Tag: selenium

Selenium can’t download correct file in headless mode

Even after implementing the enable_download_headless(driver, path) that was suggested in the following thread, the download of the file is incorrect. While the non headless version can always download the file of the site correctly the headless version downloads an “chargeinfo.xhtml” excerpt, which is the last extension of the link of the download page “”. Interestingly, when I call the suggested

Performing web scraping using selenium on I am getting just one scraped review even though it was in loop and the xpath was correct

OUTPUT IS JUST ONE NAME AND NOT ALL I need to scrape all the reviews from Even I am running a loop I am getting only one username. Please help me out Answer You getting only 1 review because XPath locator you are using //*[@id=”app-base”]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3] returns only 1 element, so your for loop is performed only once. You can

How to click on a button on a webpage and iterate through contents after clicking on button using python selenium

I am using Python Selenium to web scrape from but I want to scrape the Quarterly data instead of the Annual after clicking on the “Quarterly” button on the top right. This is my code so far: I am able to get the button to click but when I iterate through the divs, I am still getting content that
