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Tag: web-crawler

Selenium can’t download correct file in headless mode

Even after implementing the enable_download_headless(driver, path) that was suggested in the following thread, the download of the file is incorrect. While the non headless version can always download the file of the site correctly the headless version downloads an “chargeinfo.xhtml” excerpt, which is the last extension of the link of the download page “”. Interestingly, when I call the suggested

Scrapy extracting entire HTML element instead of following link

I’m trying to access or follow every link that appears for commercial contractors from this website: then extract the emails from the sites that each link leads to but when I run this script, scrapy follows the base url with the entire HTML element attached to the end of the base url instead of following only the link at

json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) Scrapy

Hi guys I am trying to scrap/crawl this json based site using scrapy/Beautifulsoup I have write this below code to run read/fetch the json from website: But it will arise this error again and again: If anyone knows please help me it will be very helpful for me Answer The json that is located inside <script> isn’t valid, so

What is this Scrapy error: ReactorNotRestartable?

I do not understand why my spider wont run. I tested the css selector separately, so I do not think it is the parsing method. Traceback message: ReactorNotRestartable: Answer urls = “” for url in urls: You’re going through the characters of “urls”, change it to a list: Also you don’t have “parse_front” function, if you just didn’t add it

Scrapy can’t find items

I am currently still learning Scrapy and trying to work with pipelines and ItemLoader. However, I currently have the problem that the spider shows that does not exist. What exactly am I doing wrong and why am I not getting any data from the spider into my pipeline? Running the Spider without importing the items works fine. The Pipeline

Substring any kind of HTML String

i need to divide any kind of html code (string) to a list of tokens. For example: or or What i tried to do : My output: So i tried to split at “/>” which is working for the first case. Then i tried several things. Tried to identify the “name”, so the first identifier of the html string like

is there a way to parse python-flask oauth2

I have code something like below – Here when’′, port=’80’) runs gives me URL – I need to mannually open enter username and password and again then one more window comes to enter YOB, which then give me something like – Here My question is there a way to avoid doing this manually opening the browser and enter

Scrapy spider: Download all images from img src

I scraped some links from a website and I’m using scrapy spider for scraping purpose. But I got none type value. Just I am any number of image link of li. I download via loop. This is my HTML code I just want to get all link inside li like this Answer Try this, to extract the all image use

Scrapy run crawl after another

I’m quite new to webscraping. I’m trying to crawl at novel reader website, to get the novel info and chapter content, so the way i do it is by creating 2 spider, one to fetch novel information and another one to fetch content of the chapter After that i created a collector to collect and process all of the data
