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How to find the attribute and element id by selenium.webdriver?

I am learning web scrapping since I need it for my work. I wrote the following code:

from selenium import webdriver    
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chromedriver)
df = pd.read_html(driver.find_element_by_id("table.example.display.datatable").get_attribute('example'))[0]

However, it is showing the following error:

selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":"[id="table.example.display.datatable"]"}
  (Session info: chrome=103.0.5060.134)

Then I inspect the table that I wanna scrape this table from this page enter image description here

what is the attribute that needs to be included in get_attribute() function in the following line?

df = pd.read_html(driver.find_element_by_id("table.example.display.datatable").get_attribute('example'))[0]

what I should write in the driver.find_element_by_id?

EDITED: Some tables have lots of records in multi-pages. For example, this page has 2,246 entries, which shows 100 entries on each page. Once I tried to web-scrape it, there were only 320 entries in df and the record ID is from 1232-1713, which means it took entries from the next few pages and it is not starting from the first page to the end at the last page.

What we can do in such cases?



You need to get the outerHTML property of the table first, then call the table element from pandas.

You need to wait for element to be visible. Use explicit wait like WebdriverWait()

df = pd.read_html(tableRows)[0]

Import below libraries.

from import expected_conditions as EC
from import WebDriverWait
from import By
import pandas as pd


     ID      PMID  YEAR  ...                                 DSSP Natural Structure Final Structure
0   1643  16137634  2005  ...                     CCCCCCCCCCCSCCCC               NaN             NaN
1   1644  16137634  2005  ...                        CCTTSCCSSCCCC               NaN             NaN
2   1645  16137634  2005  ...                   CTTTCGGGHHHHHHHHCC               NaN             NaN
3   1646  16137634  2005  ...                   CGGGTTTHHHHHHHGGGC               NaN             NaN
4   1647  16137634  2005  ...                CCSCCCSSCHHHHHHHHHTTC               NaN             NaN
5   1910  16730859  2006  ...  CCCCCCCSSCCSHHHHHHHHTTHHHHHHHHSSCCC               NaN             NaN
6   1911  16730859  2006  ...                                CCSCC               NaN             NaN
7   1912  16730859  2006  ...                            CCSSSCSCC               NaN             NaN
8   1913  16730859  2006  ...       CCCSSCCSSCCSHHHHHTTHHHHTTTCSCC               NaN             NaN
9   1914  16730859  2006  ...                 CCSHHHHHHHHHHHHHCCCC               NaN             NaN
10  2110  11226440  2001  ...              CCCSSCCCBTTBTSSSSSSCSCC               NaN             NaN
11  3799   9204560  1997  ...                               CCSSCC               NaN             NaN
12  4149  16137634  2005  ...                       CCHHHHHHHHHHHC               NaN             NaN

[13 rows x 17 columns]
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