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Tag: selenium

Clicked on element that has x-click with Python Selenium but it do not redirect

I am trying to scrape the url given below with python selenium. here is my code After running through this code I should be redirected to but It stuck at the same page. The element, I am clicking is given below. Element Image What is my code doing? First it go to this url Then click to I’M

Select value from dropdown and click on search

I want they select value for the dropdown from the Ville option and then click on search option for each value but the problem is that they do not select value from ville these is pag link enter image description here Answer Your element locator strategy selection isn’t in proper way. The following code is working as expectation. You

Why search retrieve no result? with selenium

I have been trying to scrape this site and sending in the search phrase cause error. I have searched StackOverflow and the error usually is resolved when you redefine the web element again which I did but still getting the same error. I do not want to directly go to the search link like instead I want to click
