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Tag: selenium

Selenium python click an element that appears on hover

My situation is that there is a grid of elements and on the hover of each element a button appears which you can click on then. See the difference between class=”grid x0 y0″ and class=”grid x1 y0″. id=”ccSelectDesignButton” only appears on hover. I want to click on first element. The code I am using is: But every time I get

Google Earth scraping using python selenium

I want to create a web scraper for Whenever the user clicks while holding shift button, the script will print the coordinates which are displayed at the bottom right corner of the google earth web page. I am using selenium with chromedriver but it cannot find the coordinates web element. I have tried css selector, xpath, full x-path, find

How to get Selenium to recognise a button and click it?

How would I get selenium python to recognise this button in HTML? I’ve tried this and other tags to get it This is the button snippet code Answer Your locator is wrong. The class is named cookie-monster__cta, not .cookie-monster. js-cookie-monster-accept seems to be unique class name. Use it for finding your element. Also, you should wait for elements before clicking

How to pass web element from Python selenium to Java?

I am making a program that finds all the elements of a webpage with the word “Pens” and changes the text to asteriks. Here is the portion of my code I am having issues with: The code only works for elements that have an ID. I would like to send the Xpath of the element but the only methods of

Message: element not interactable. Xpath correct

How can I click? Obviously with the mouse I can, and a new mask appears. While with the click () the following error appears. Obviously the Xpath is correct in fact it reports the following code = this message error: selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotInteractableException: Message: element not interactable Answer Use WebDriverWait() and wait for element_to_be_clickable() you need to import below libraries
