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Tag: logging

collecting CLI usage data with python click

I’m a platform engineer building a python CLI app (using click) that teams in the same company could use to launch data processing jobs on our internally managed cluster. I want to build a functionality to collect usage data i.e., record the commands submitted to the app and store them in a database. Something like this: Is it possible? Is

Logger not creating logs on log file in flask application;

I want to create logs in my log file, logs can be shown on the terminal but not written on the log files. I created a package imp_calc which has templates and other files inside it, accessing it using which accesses the imp_calc package’s modules. My folder structure is as follows: my file My Routes Folder through which

duplication of messages in stderr and stdout python logging

I would like to log info and warning level to stdout and error level and above to stderr how can I do it ? code: logging.conf and output after python3 -m tests 1> output.log 2> err.log: err.log output.log Consequently, the output on the console is: My question is how to make the message not repeat itself ? I want ERROR

How to get all previous logs written during current run (python logging)

I’m using the python logging module. How can I get all of the previously outputted logs that have been written-out by logger since the application started? Let’s say I have some large application. When the application first starts, it sets-up logging with something like this A few hours or days later I want to be able to get the history

Python logging: how to write logs into file and stdout

I have a main file where I use all the functions from the module. I want to log all the necessary things into file and into stdout. It works when I use“Write it into file”) inside main file, but it doesn’t work when I import here some functions from the other scripts. I use it inside main file to

Prevent one of the logging handlers for specific messages

I monitor my script with the logging module of the Python Standard Library and I send the loggings to both the console with StreamHandler, and to a file with FileHandler. I would like to have the option to disable a handler for a LogRecord independantly of its severity. For example, for a specific LogRecord I would like to have the

This logger has no handler, yet it prints. Why?

I have a sample logger that I think has no handler, yet it outputs log messages. Here is the code: And the result says the logger has no handlers, there is an empty list of handlers, yet it prints the output: Why does this work? Do I need to add a NullHandler() to stop output? Answer It’s because for Python
