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Tag: request

How to validate request body in FastAPI?

I understand that if the incoming request body misses certain required keys, FastAPI will automatically raise 422 unserviceable entity error. However, is there a way to check the incoming request body by myself in the code and raise a 400 bad request if if misses required names? For example, say I have this model and schema: The POST endpoint to

Python missing data in body

Hello i’m using request to perform some http calls. The is a strange behaviour, the response should contain a list of items, but i only get one item. This is the result i get from Postman when performing the call: With this is the reponse i get in my script : this is how i perform the action : it’s

Run Jenkins Job In Python Using Token

I want to run Jenkins job with the use of tokens. But this piece of code gives 403 error. How to avoid this problem? I will not use username and password, Only token. Is there any way to do this? Code: Answer Refer to this. Jenkins doesnt do authorization. So even after you have generated authorization key you need to
