I’m trying to query or list all collections in a RavenDB database, using RavenDB’s Python Client. So far I’ve come to something like: The last line errors out with: AttributeError: ‘DocumentStore’ object has no attribute ‘database_commands’ Obviously the database_commands isn’t available. But how can I list all collections in a RavenDB v5.4+ database instead, using py-ravendb? Answer I think you
Tag: python
macros are not recognised in dbt
This is my model in DBT which is configured with pre and post hooks which referance a macro to insert and update the audit table. my macro this is the first time i’m using this macro and I see the following error. Answer Your macro’s definition has too much whitespace in the braces that define the jinja block: Needs to
hey im making a giveaway command but it throws a error “‘async_generator’ object has no attribute ‘flatten'”
so im making a giveaway command for my bot in discord.py v2 but it throws this error: ‘async_generator’ object has no attribute ‘flatten’ here is an image: my code – i know that flatten has been removed in discord.py v2 but i dont know how to implement the new one im confused any type of help will be appreciated! Answer
Get all File from Subfolder Boto3
I have this code to download all the files from a buckets AWS S3 Inside that bucket, I have a folder called “pictures” How can I get the files only in my folder? My try: Answer Inside that bucket, I have a folder called “pictures” How can I get the files only in my folder? You can get the files
How to pick up data from json objects in python?
I am trying to pick Instances in the json objects data which looks like this [{‘Groups’: [], ‘Instances’: [{‘AmiLaunchIndex’: 0, ‘ImageId’: ‘ami-0ceecbb0f30a902a6’, ‘InstanceId’: ‘i-xxxxx’, ‘InstanceType’: ‘t2.micro’, ‘KeyName’: ‘xxxx’, ‘LaunchTime’: {‘$date’: ‘2022-12-17T13:07:54Z’}, ‘Monitoring’: {‘State’: ‘disabled’}, ‘Placement’: {‘AvailabilityZone’: ‘us-west-2b’, ‘GroupName’: ”, ‘Tenancy’: ‘default’}, ‘PrivateDnsName’: ‘ip-zxxxxx.us-west-2.compute.internal’, ‘PrivateIpAddress’: ‘xxxxx’, ‘ProductCodes’: [], ‘PublicDnsName’: ‘ec2-xx-xxx-xxx.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com’, ‘PublicIpAddress’: ‘xxxxxx’, ‘State’: {‘Code’: 16, ‘Name’: ‘running’}, ‘StateTransitionReason’: ”, ‘SubnetId’: ‘subnet-xxxxx’,
How do I reduce stutter when repeatedly printing in the console in python?
I have the following sample of code: Video of output The output is expected, but there is clearly some staggering after each input. Is there any way to reduce this? I’ve already tried to use the apparently more efficient sys.stdin.write, but it doesn’t seem to work with variables as a I get an error with I do. I am using
Does a bitwise “and” operation prepend zeros to the binary representation?
When I use bitwise and operator(&) with the number of 1 to find out if a number x is odd or even (x & 1), does the interpreter change the binary representation of 1 according to the binary representation of x? For example: 2 & 1 -> 10 & 01 -> then perform comparison bitwise 5 & 1 -> 101
Downloading all zip files from url
I need to download all the zip files from the url: https://www.ercot.com/mp/data-products/data-product-details?id=NP7-802-M The zip files are as shown in the pic: I am trying the following code: I have tried different versions of above but no success so far. I am not sure how to proceed. Answer Everything you need comes from one endpoint that you can query and then
AWS Glue Job upsert from one db table to annother db table
I am trying to create a pretty basic Glue job. I have two different AWS RDS Mariadb’s, with two similar tables (field names are different). I would like to transform the data from table A so it fits with table B schema (this seems pretty trivial and is working). And then i would like to update all existing entries (on
Filter contour area with smaller area
I would like to filter out cnts with small area. But I got the an error. What is the proper way to use filter? code error Answer The filter function returns a generator but the drawContours function expects a list. To fix this, use the list command. Another solution is to use a list comprehension to build the list, like