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Tag: python

List RavenDB collections, using py-ravendb

I’m trying to query or list all collections in a RavenDB database, using RavenDB’s Python Client. So far I’ve come to something like: The last line errors out with: AttributeError: ‘DocumentStore’ object has no attribute ‘database_commands’ Obviously the database_commands isn’t available. But how can I list all collections in a RavenDB v5.4+ database instead, using py-ravendb? Answer I think you

macros are not recognised in dbt

This is my model in DBT which is configured with pre and post hooks which referance a macro to insert and update the audit table. my macro this is the first time i’m using this macro and I see the following error. Answer Your macro’s definition has too much whitespace in the braces that define the jinja block: Needs to

Get all File from Subfolder Boto3

I have this code to download all the files from a buckets AWS S3 Inside that bucket, I have a folder called “pictures” How can I get the files only in my folder? My try: Answer Inside that bucket, I have a folder called “pictures” How can I get the files only in my folder? You can get the files

How to pick up data from json objects in python?

I am trying to pick Instances in the json objects data which looks like this [{‘Groups’: [], ‘Instances’: [{‘AmiLaunchIndex’: 0, ‘ImageId’: ‘ami-0ceecbb0f30a902a6’, ‘InstanceId’: ‘i-xxxxx’, ‘InstanceType’: ‘t2.micro’, ‘KeyName’: ‘xxxx’, ‘LaunchTime’: {‘$date’: ‘2022-12-17T13:07:54Z’}, ‘Monitoring’: {‘State’: ‘disabled’}, ‘Placement’: {‘AvailabilityZone’: ‘us-west-2b’, ‘GroupName’: ”, ‘Tenancy’: ‘default’}, ‘PrivateDnsName’: ‘’, ‘PrivateIpAddress’: ‘xxxxx’, ‘ProductCodes’: [], ‘PublicDnsName’: ‘’, ‘PublicIpAddress’: ‘xxxxxx’, ‘State’: {‘Code’: 16, ‘Name’: ‘running’}, ‘StateTransitionReason’: ”, ‘SubnetId’: ‘subnet-xxxxx’,

Downloading all zip files from url

I need to download all the zip files from the url: The zip files are as shown in the pic: I am trying the following code: I have tried different versions of above but no success so far. I am not sure how to proceed. Answer Everything you need comes from one endpoint that you can query and then

Filter contour area with smaller area

I would like to filter out cnts with small area. But I got the an error. What is the proper way to use filter? code error Answer The filter function returns a generator but the drawContours function expects a list. To fix this, use the list command. Another solution is to use a list comprehension to build the list, like
