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Tag: python

How I can get channel members (

I need to get Only users of my channel, but I have not found a function that returns the desired result. There is a function to get all users of the bot: get_all_members(), but she’s not doing exactly what I need. I want get user nicknames. Help me find a solution to my problem. Answer Hm… I had this issue

How to plot figures to different subplot axes in matplotlib

I was trying to plot a figure with a combination of a 3d subplot and 3 2d ones. Why do they overlap each other? Here are my codes: Answer In each group, an ax is created with ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 1, projection=’3d’), but then you reassign the variable with ax = plt.axes(projection=’3d’); this does not plot to ax. To

How Can My sqllite3 interaction be fixed?

I’m trying to get an admin account to edit a ‘rank’ (basically access level) for one of the profiles in my data-base. The error is: The code that seems to be the problem is: Originally, it was all on one line and it didn’t work, and now I’ve tried it on multiple lines and it still doesn’t work. So I

Airflow ExternalTaskSensor don’t fail when External Task fails

I was trying to use the ExternalTaskSensor in Airflow 1.10.11 to manage the coordinate some dags. I have develop this code to test the functionality: The idea is that one dag triggers another one with a TriggerDagRunOperator. This sets the execution_date to the same value in both dags. This works perfectly when the state of the dummy_dag last task, ends,

XML file parsing with Python

I am having trouble parsing data in this manner for an XML file which is converted to a CSV: For the first column, I would like to get the general name tag (recordingSystem, Ports, etc) and concatenate it with the subNames in the row tags (closedFileCount, processedFileCount, etc) The tag where the subName is located keeps changing, it could be
