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Tag: pycharm

Run / Debug a Django application’s UnitTests from the mouse right click context menu in PyCharm Community Edition?

I must emphasize on PyCharm Community Edition which does not have any Django integration (v2016.3.2 at question time). I’ve Googled my problem and (surprisingly,) I did not get any answers, (of course I don’t exclude the possibility that there might be some, be but I just missed them). The question is simple: in PyCharm, one can Run (Debug) an Unit

PyCharm Error Loading Package List

I just downloaded PyCharm the other day and wanted to download a few packages. I’m using Windows 10 with PyCharm 2016.2.2 and python 3.5.2. When I go to the available packages screen it continually states: Error loading package I was just trying to download BeautifulSoup and I’m clearly missing something. Any help would be wonderful. Answer I am behind

How to install PyPdf2 in PyCharm (Windows-64 bits)

I want to install PyPdf2 in PyCharm for Windows (64 bits) I have tried to go to SettingsProjectProject Interpreter, Then pressing the “+” sign, but It did not found PyPdf2. I already Installed it to the normal python2.7 by going to the extracted path of PyPdf2 then I run (python.exe install) I tried to install it to anaconda by

How to add RDKit to project in PyCharm?

So, I am trying to add RDKit to my project in PyCharm. I have found that if you are using interpreter /usr/bin/python2.7 PyCharm will try to install stuff using the pip. While, RDKit requires conda. I have tried to change the interpreter to conda, but RDKit is either not on the list or it can’t open the URL with the

Drop frame while debugging?

I’d like to know if drop frame is available in PyCharm / Intellij with Python plugin. Here’s what the button looks like (it doesn’t show up on the debug toolbar so I assume it’s just not available for PyCharm) –> How to step one step back in IntelliJ? What I’m trying to do is to re-play a function when I

PyCharm asks for python interpreter every time project is loaded

Rather frustratingly, every time I load up an existing project or create a new one – it complains there is no interpreter selected and I have to provide the path to it. There is nothing unusual about my python installation, it’s sat in C:/Python27/ as you would expect. It always used to work, but the last few weeks something has
