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Tag: plotly

How to set heatmap aspect ratio

I have a single-channel image where each integer pixel value maps to a string. For example 5 -> ‘person’. I’m trying to create an interactive image where hovering over a pixel will display it’s corresponding string. I figured using plotly heatmaps might be the way to do this. The issues I’m having are: It’s really slow. If I make my

Can I use a Plotly graph in Bokeh?

bokeh does not have a Sankey graph and the Sankey graph available in holoviews is not as good as the one Plotly. Is there a way to embed the plotly graph into a bokeh dashboard? Answer Panel makes it simple to embed Plotly, Matplotlib, Altair, and many other types of plot into a Bokeh-based dashboard, so that you can pull

Specifying marker size in data unit for plotly

I switched from matplotlib to plotly mainly to plot smooth animations in 2D/3D. I want to plot the motion of robots consisting of multiple circles/spheres. The different body parts of the robot have different sizes and the circles need to represent that accurately. Is there a way in plotly to specify the size of the markers in data units? For

Plotly colorscale reverse direction

How can I reverse the direction of a colorscale in plotly? I am trying to use the color scale Viridis for a marker plot but I want it to be darker for higher values and lighter for lower values. Is there any way to do this without defining my own custom colorscale or changing my color parameter array? Answer Just

Plotly – How to remove the rangeslider

By default, candlestick and ohlc charts display a rangeslider. It seems like there’s no parameter to change the setting. So I’ve looked at javascript code in html file but was not able to find a clue to remove it. Can someone explain how to remove the rangeslider from candlestick chart? Answer I found the solution.. Following code hides the rangeslider

Open a url by clicking a data point in plotly?

I have successfully created plotly graphs from python, and gone as far as creating custom html tooltips for the datapoints. But I haven’t succeeded in adding functionality to open a link if someone clicks on a datapoint. What I would like is a separate tab to pop up showing more information linked to that particular data point. Can anyone think
