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Tag: holoviews

Chipwhisperer TVLA has errors in site-packages

I’m trying to use the TVLA assessment provided by Chipwhisperer on my FPGA board. (Clone of the repo tagged as 5.1.3) They provide the PA_TVLA_1-Performing_TVLA_Testing_for_Crypto_Validation.ipynb Jupyterplaybook for that. I modified it to initialize the FPGA but the rest of the flow is identical being the capturing of the traces and analyzing them. The code which does the analysis and errors

Can I use a Plotly graph in Bokeh?

bokeh does not have a Sankey graph and the Sankey graph available in holoviews is not as good as the one Plotly. Is there a way to embed the plotly graph into a bokeh dashboard? Answer Panel makes it simple to embed Plotly, Matplotlib, Altair, and many other types of plot into a Bokeh-based dashboard, so that you can pull
