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Tag: plotly

How to change plotly figure size

I have made a scatter plot using matplotlib and Plotly. I want the height, width and the markers to be scatter as in matplotlib plot. Please see the attached plots. I used the following code in Plotly I try to tune the range but did not help. In addition, I use Autorange that did not help. Could you please help

How to save plotly express plot into a html or static image file?

However, I feel saving the figure with is pretty tricky. How to save or plotly plot into a individual html or static image file? Anyone can help? Answer Updated answer: With newer versions of plotly, static Image export in Python is a breeze. Just make sure to install kaleido using: or, for Anaconda: And then run Filetypes such

Plotly: What color cycle does plotly express follow?

I would think that the default color cycle would be (some variants of) [‘blue’, ‘red’, ‘green’, ‘purple’, ‘orange’] like in the plot below: Plot 1: Code 1: At least that seems to be the order of the cycle since omitting Oceania from the continents will give you this: Now the order of the remaining colors are the same except for

Can’t figure out why graph is not updating

I’m setting up a plotly-dash website where I want to show data from some domains from different points in time. Therefore I have a slider with which you can decide which data from which point in time you want to see. That already works. Moreover I want that if somebody clicks on one point it shows a line between all
