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Tag: plot

Plot Over Line with pvpython

Good afternoon, I am trying to use the filter “Plot Over Line” of Paraview in a Python script. Basically, I want to: Open the file “.vtu”; Use the filter PlotOverLine for the velocity; Save the data in a “.csv” file. On internet, I found a possible way to do this, but it gives error if ran with pvpython (even if

Plot multiple lines in subplots

I’d like to plot lines from a 3D data frame, the third dimension being an extra level in the column index. But I can’t manage to either wrangle the data in a proper format or call the plot function appropriately. What I’m looking for is a plot where many series are plotted in subplots arranged by the outer column index.

How to plot simple moving averages with stock data

I am trying to plot simple moving averages (SMA) using Apple’s stock price. I have lines below: But the plotting isn’t successful. What did I do wrong, and how I can correct it? Answer From the code you posted, it seems as though you didn’t set the index of the dataframe after loading the data from the csv file. pd.read_csv

How subplot pairs of photo from different folder

I have 2 folder each has 13 pics. I wanna plot any pair of them. for example the first pic from the first folder next to the first pic in the second folder. and then below it the second pair of photose from the first and second folder. could you please help me. I tried my self but id doesn’t

Python SymPy’s plotting legend when using multiple ranges

I am using SymPy’s plotting module, but legends stop working when I start having multiple lines with different ranges (to plot a function f(x) whose definition depend on x like in the following example). I actually haven’t seen any example of this anywhere : Here the legend is ignored. I also tried instead of specifying plt[0] but Python says The
