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Tag: plot

Matplotlib throws warning message because of findfont – python

I want to plot a basic graph, basically consisting of two lists of the form x = [1,2,3,…,d], y = [y1,y2,…,yd]. after using_ pyplot.plot(x,y) I get a huge amount of warning messages referring to findfont errors (see below..) I just installed matplotlib. All the threads I could find refer to changing fonts manually and having warning messages popping up. I

Why error bars in log-scale matplotlib bar plot are lopsided?

I’m trying to plot some bar plots, where each y-value is averaged over some series. Consequently, I’m also trying to add the error bars (standard deviations) for each bar. The magnitudes generally seem right, even in log scale, but for several of the bars, the error bar drops down (- direction) almost indefinitely, while the + direction error is the

Pandas.plot Multiple plot same figure

I have multiple CSV files that I am trying to plot in same the figure to have a comparison between them. I already read some information about pandas problem not keeping memory plot and creating the new one every time. People were talking about using an ax var, but I do not understand it… For now I have: But it’s

Position the legend outside the plot area with Bokeh

I am making a plot following the example found here Unfortunately, I have 17 curves I need to display, and the legend overlaps them. I know I can create a legend object that can be displayed outside the plot area like here, but I have 17 curves so using a loop is much more convenient. Do you know how to

How to change spacing between ticks

I want to plot a graph with a lot of ticks on the X axis using the following code: The resulting plot looks like this: As you can see, the X axis is a mess because the tick labels are plotted with too few space between them or even overlap. I would like to create constant space between each tick

How to plot (inline) with rpy2 in Jupyter notebook?

I’m learning to use rpy2 in Jupyter notebook. I’m having troubles with the plotting. When I use this example from the rpy2 docs for interactive work: Jupyter opens a new window with the plot. The window “title” reads: R Graphics: Device 2 (ACTIVE) (Not Responding). My Jupyter kernel is active. When I try to close the window with the plot,
