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Tag: plot

Visualize an RDFLIB Graph in Python

I am new to RDFLIB in python. I found this example of creating a graph on here. What is the simplest way to visualize graph created by this code? I see that the rdflib package has a tools component that has a function called rdfs2dot. How can I use this function to display a plot with the RDF graph in

Dealing with masked coordinate arrays in pcolormesh

I’m working on visualizing some climate model output. The computation is done on a projected latitude/longitude grid. Since the model is simulating sea ice, all land grid cells are masked. The standard tools for plotting geographical information in Python are Basemap and Cartopy, both of which use matplotlib routines. In particular, pcolormesh is the obvious choice for plotting. If there

Python Scatter Plot with Multiple Y values for each X

I am trying to use Python to create a scatter plot that contains two X categories “cat1” “cat2” and each category has multiple Y values. I can get this to work if the number of Y values for each X value is the same by using this following code: but as soon as the number of Y values for each

Install Plotly in Anaconda

How to install Plotly in Anaconda? The says to conda install -c <package>, and The says to pip install plotly. I.e., without package. So which packages I should specify in Anaconda conda? I tried without one and get errors: Answer If you don’t care which version of Plotly you install, just use pip. pip install plotly is

Plotting a NACA 4-series airfoil

I’m trying to plot an airfoil from the formula as described on this wikipedia page. This Jupyter notebook can be viewed on this github page. The result looks like . I expected it to look more like . Questions: Why is the line not completely smooth? There seems to be a discontinuity where the beginning and end meet. Why does
