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Tag: scatter-plot

Add two legends in the same plot

I’ve a x and y. Both are flattened 2D arrays. I’ve two similar arrays, one for determining the colour of datapoint, another for determining detection method (“transit” or “radial”), which is used for determining the marker shape. Since there can be only one type of marker in a scatterplot and I have two types of markers, I call the scatterplot

Map with bubbles with radius on basis of counting

I have this easy script for creating bubbles on map, but I would like bubbles with radius on basis of intensity. I put an image with lat, lon and count. In finaly I put the map result, but there aren’t bubbles. Where I am wrong? dataset Answer The reason for the display seems to be that the default value for

How to set amount of hue levels in seaborn?

With the following code, I can use seaborn’s scatterplot to plot data with certain colors assigned to data values. How can I set the amount of colors that get used in this example? (e.g. if I want to have only two colors used or more than the 6 shown in the example) Answer Seaborn’s scatterplot has a legend= keyword, which
