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Tag: typeerror

Default parameter positioning and TypeError

So here’s my code: When I execute, I get TypeError: SubElement() argument 1 must be xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, not None What I need is to pass the value 20 (FLASHCMD_TIMEOUT) to the function op_sndrcv(). create_command() op_sndrcv() are used my multiple routines and I want to keep this as optional, without changing the current format, but just by introducing the new variable timeout

I have a TypeError in Python

Products Class code ProductsImplementation class code Below is the error I get when I try to run this Answer You forgot to provide the arguments to the add_product method. Change the last line to:

Python: href tag TypeError

I tried running my web scraping code. Sometime it works fine, but sometime it will give me Traceback Type Error code. I am wondering what is causing the error code? Here is the error message: Answer You have to check if nextLink is not None before you try to get [‘href’] and when nextLink is None then it can return

Why does `'{x[1:3]}’.format(x=”asd”)` cause a TypeError?

Consider this: What could be the cause for this behavior? Answer An experiment based on your comment, checking what value the object’s __getitem__ method actually receives: Output (Try it online!): So while the 4 gets converted to an int, the 4:6 isn’t converted to slice(4, 6, None) as in usual slicing. Instead, it remains simply the string ‘4:6’. And that’s
