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Tag: javascript

Clicked on element that has x-click with Python Selenium but it do not redirect

I am trying to scrape the url given below with python selenium. here is my code After running through this code I should be redirected to but It stuck at the same page. The element, I am clicking is given below. Element Image What is my code doing? First it go to this url Then click to I’M

How to manage CORS in Django

Im trying to connect React.js[axios] and Django [hosting in Heroku] and every time I get this. On my localhosts everything works fine I get all the object except images, but all works fine. Ive allowed my host to connect but it doesn’t work and here is react.js connection part [GitHub – Front-End][2] [2]: [GitHub – Back-End][3] [3]: Answer I

What is the difference between Swift Closures, Java Closures, and Python Lambda expressions?

What is the difference between Swift Closures and Python Lambda expressions? I often see websites describe Swift closures as something similar to Python lambda expressions. They serve similar purposes and even the Swift Documentation for closures states that “Closures in Swift are similar to blocks in C and Objective-C and to lambdas in other programming languages.” Python Lambda Expressions Swift
