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Tag: data-science

Plotly reformating Subplot Y axis values

Trying to turn the values in the Y axis into dollar amount, when using the update_layout method it only affects the first chart but not the others. I am not sure where to put the method, or how I could apply the formatting to each trace individually. Example of the Chart I am generating Answer You can format each y-axis

Getting min and max datime for each date in csv

I’m kind of new to data science and Python. First of all, do you suggest using any other Library than pandas when dealing with huge dataset (100K+ rows)? Second of all, let me expose to you my current problem. I have a Dataset in which I have a Datetime column, to make it easy to understand, let’s say I only

Difference between Standard scaler and MinMaxScaler

What is the difference between MinMaxScaler() and StandardScaler(). mms = MinMaxScaler(feature_range = (0, 1)) (Used in a machine learning model) sc = StandardScaler() (In another machine learning model they used standard-scaler and not min-max-scaler) Answer From ScikitLearn site: StandardScaler removes the mean and scales the data to unit variance. However, the outliers have an influence when computing the empirical mean
