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Tag: colors

Add two legends in the same plot

I’ve a x and y. Both are flattened 2D arrays. I’ve two similar arrays, one for determining the colour of datapoint, another for determining detection method (“transit” or “radial”), which is used for determining the marker shape. Since there can be only one type of marker in a scatterplot and I have two types of markers, I call the scatterplot

using PIL to draw equal lines

what I’m trying to do is to draw horizontal lines in PIL of equal size. but my problem is that when I’m trying to fill the image it isn’t full. This is what I’m getting when it should be fully equal. There shouldn’t be any white. It also should work with more or less colors Code Answer When drawing the

How to extend the color palette in matplotlib?

I coded the following function: And then the for-loop: As the for loop iterates over num_columns which has 40 variables, the standard palette only offers 10 colors. However, I want to have every variable its own color. Is there a way to code it also being flexible when it comes to the number of variables? Answer Matplotlib offers tab20, which

Can RGB and RGBA be converted to each other?

I have a RGB image, and I want to convert it to RGBA to get alpha channels. It’s likely to convert RGB to HSV to get V channel. but now i want to get Alpha channel from RGBA. Can RGB and RGBA be converted to each other? Answer RGB represented in RBGA is just the same RGB values with A=max.

Tkinter: Color Chooser on MacOS

The Python Tkinter color chooser does not work in Python Version 3.8.5 on Mac. Whenever I type in colorchooser.askcolor(), It always outputs Traceback (most recent call last): File “<pyshell#5>”, line 1, in <module> colorchooser.askcolor() NameError: name ‘colorchooser’ is not defined. I did this all in the shell and I didn’t forget to add from tkinter import *. Could you please

Control the facecolor of histograms

In the following histogram, I would like to set two different colors for the bars of the histogram. There is a precedent question (this link), but the solution sets the bars’ colors in a range, e.g., bars 0 to 3 of one color. This is a different problem since I would like to differentiate two zones in the histogram in

Python Excel styling using Pandas Library

I am coding a school project rn, where I have to analyse stocks and predict them. So now my problem is the code is finished, but I want to add colours in my Excel file. I am using the following libraries: requests bs4 pandas datetime So I looked up the whole Internet and found nothing helpful. This is my code
