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Tag: rgba

Can RGB and RGBA be converted to each other?

I have a RGB image, and I want to convert it to RGBA to get alpha channels. It’s likely to convert RGB to HSV to get V channel. but now i want to get Alpha channel from RGBA. Can RGB and RGBA be converted to each other? Answer RGB represented in RBGA is just the same RGB values with A=max.

Why my rgb color in Kivymd looks different to real color?

I was changing active color of MDTextFieldRound in Kivymd. I set theme.cls.primary_palette to Teal, and I want to set active color to accent color or lighter color of Teal. So I searched on Google and found many posts about teal color’s accent color. And I want to set color to 102,178,178,1 ( But when I use this code and run:
