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Tag: boto3

How to describe snapshots by OwnerIds and Filters using boto3

How to describe snapshots owned by me and filtering by tag simultaneously? It describe snapshots owned by me with code below: But when I add “Filters”, its starts ignoring “OwnerIds” and filtering only by tag. I’m follow an official boto3 documentation: Answer I think the Filters and OwnerIds options are working separately. I expect that the OwnerIds option is

BOTO3 – generate_presigned_url for `put_object` return `The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided`

I’m trying to create a presigned url that will help some customers to upload files . Here my test script that is currently working But if I’m adding: to Params (or add some metadata following the information in the put_object documentation I receive back from the server: I’ve open also a issue on BOTO3: Answer This is covered in

Athena query fails with boto3 (S3 location invalid)

I’m trying to execute a query in Athena, but it fails. Code: But it raises the following exception: However, if I go to the Athena Console, go to Settings and enter the same S3 location (for example): the query runs fine. What’s wrong with my code? I’ve used the API of several the other services (eg, S3) successfully, but in
