Guys I am having problem on overlaying my video to webcam. I can open webcam without any issues or errors but my video is not being showed. I am trying to play my video in specific x-y coordinates.I take most of my code from an other stackoverflow question but I cannot find it know so that I cannot mention it
Django Querysets adding additional information inside View
I’m currently working on a small django application for my school. I got two models involved in this problem: “category” and “device”, which are connected in a one-to-many relationship category—<device(s) I added one page/template/view for the category overview, containing a large table with all the relevant information on every category created. Querying the categories like this: And displaying them inside
Create DF Columns Based on Second DDF
I have 2 dataframes with different columns: I would like to add the missing columns for the 2 dataframes – so each one will have each own columns + the other DFs columns (without column “number”). And the new columns will have initial number for our choice (let’s say 0). So the final output: What’s the best way to achieve
Python Scrape Forum for Title for each Post
I’m new to Web scraping and new to Python. I want to scrape for the title of each Posting at the Forum of the URL, so then a new Post is created with 1 of the Titles below i’d like to receive a Mail with that Link of the Post. With searching for the div structItem-title i receive the 23
Problems with importing Tensoflow in Jupyter. DLL load failed. Specific module failed to load
I opened up a Jupyter notebook and tried importing tensorflow as tf and got the following error message And here’s the message I received I tried installing it with the following commands But I’m still getting the same error message. I’m using windows 10 if that helps. Oh I also checked in my command line to see if it was
How to write a function to fit data to a sum of N Gaussian-like peaks without explicitly defining the expression for every possible N?
I am trying to fit a progression of Gaussian peaks to a spectral lineshape. The progression is a summation of N evenly spaced Gaussian peaks. When coded as a function, the formula for N=1 looks like this: where A, e0, hf, S and fwhm are to be determined from the fit with some good initial guesses. Importantly, the parameter i
Transpose dataframe based on column list
I have a dataframe in the following structure: I would like to transpose – create columns from the names in cNames. But I can’t manage to achieve this with transpose because I want a column for each value in the list. The needed output: How can I achieve this result? Thanks! The code to create the DF: Answer One option
BeautifulSoup trying to remove HTML data from list
As mentioned above, I am trying to remove HTML from the printed output to just get text and my dividing | and -. I get span information as well as others that I would like to remove. As it is part of the program that is a loop, I cannot search for the individual text information of the page as
Resampling with Pandas spline gives strange results. Do I misunderstand, even though the time matches?
I take my dataframe, which is in seconds, and resample it over a period of every n seconds, to properly align all values with even spacing. The seconds are parsed correctly, but the output results are strange, so maybe I’m completely misunderstanding what exactly is being splined over? Gives So where did my values go in the output? Answer When
How to create a specific logger for my message?
I have spent far too much time on this and I couldn’t figure out by myself. I am writing some code that use some modules, so I want to create a specific logger for my message, not those from the other modules (they are far too many so I don’t want to set a different level for each of them).