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Opencv-Overlay a Video on Webcam

Guys I am having problem on overlaying my video to webcam. I can open webcam without any issues or errors but my video is not being showed. I am trying to play my video in specific x-y coordinates.I take most of my code from an other stackoverflow question but I cannot find it know so that I cannot mention it

Django Querysets adding additional information inside View

I’m currently working on a small django application for my school. I got two models involved in this problem: “category” and “device”, which are connected in a one-to-many relationship category—<device(s) I added one page/template/view for the category overview, containing a large table with all the relevant information on every category created. Querying the categories like this: And displaying them inside

Create DF Columns Based on Second DDF

I have 2 dataframes with different columns: I would like to add the missing columns for the 2 dataframes – so each one will have each own columns + the other DFs columns (without column “number”). And the new columns will have initial number for our choice (let’s say 0). So the final output: What’s the best way to achieve

Python Scrape Forum for Title for each Post

I’m new to Web scraping and new to Python. I want to scrape for the title of each Posting at the Forum of the URL, so then a new Post is created with 1 of the Titles below i’d like to receive a Mail with that Link of the Post. With searching for the div structItem-title i receive the 23

How to write a function to fit data to a sum of N Gaussian-like peaks without explicitly defining the expression for every possible N?

I am trying to fit a progression of Gaussian peaks to a spectral lineshape. The progression is a summation of N evenly spaced Gaussian peaks. When coded as a function, the formula for N=1 looks like this: where A, e0, hf, S and fwhm are to be determined from the fit with some good initial guesses. Importantly, the parameter i

Transpose dataframe based on column list

I have a dataframe in the following structure: I would like to transpose – create columns from the names in cNames. But I can’t manage to achieve this with transpose because I want a column for each value in the list. The needed output: How can I achieve this result? Thanks! The code to create the DF: Answer One option

BeautifulSoup trying to remove HTML data from list

As mentioned above, I am trying to remove HTML from the printed output to just get text and my dividing | and -. I get span information as well as others that I would like to remove. As it is part of the program that is a loop, I cannot search for the individual text information of the page as

How to create a specific logger for my message?

I have spent far too much time on this and I couldn’t figure out by myself. I am writing some code that use some modules, so I want to create a specific logger for my message, not those from the other modules (they are far too many so I don’t want to set a different level for each of them).
