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Using a variable as a Filename Python

I cannot get using a variable in the filename to work without throwing an error. I have tried formatting the string as shown above as well as concatenating the variables. Is there anything I can do to solve this? Answer One issue was the closing parentheses, also the date format contain / (slash ex:07/07/21) which will make the filename with

Python bs4: select specific links in soup

I know similar questions were asked before but no adaptation of other solutions yielded the desired result. Suppose a bs4 soup contains many elements like the one below: How can I extract the link in the very first line (href=”extract_this_link”) for all elements in the soup and store them in a list? Any help is greatly appreciated! Answer

Flask unable to send image back in json response

Attempting to send an image to the client browser – the following code works perfectly – please assume that I am receiving the correct base64.b64encoded byte stream: On my development box. Move it to a flask production running under gunicorn and I get JSON serialization errors: TypeError: Object of type bytes is not JSON serializable I am also getting this

Python count down timer for date, hour, minute and second

In this link on the second example i found a count down timer, but it only works for minutes and seconds, how can i make it work for hours and days too. This is the code Answer First things first: Using .sleep() as a timer is not a good idea. Sleep() doesn’t take into consideration the time necessary to run
