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Tag: hyperlink

Create hyperlink and give it an appealing name in Python

I am trying to rename my hyperlink to place in a pdf file. Thus, I do not want to give to the user a massive long link. Let’s say my link is like: And I want it to appear in the pdf like: “Link to picture” Answer Solved. I found that <a href=”where/you/want/the/link/to/go”>text of the link</a> is the way

Python bs4: select specific links in soup

I know similar questions were asked before but no adaptation of other solutions yielded the desired result. Suppose a bs4 soup contains many elements like the one below: How can I extract the link in the very first line (href=”extract_this_link”) for all elements in the soup and store them in a list? Any help is greatly appreciated! Answer

How to recover http link from a tag

I am trying to recover web links from an RSS page. I am using Python3, requests,and BeautifulSoup4, on a Windows 10 system. My code is as follows: This prints out as follows: Individual items in Articles are of the following form: The problem is with as it is not captured in the appropriate form i.e. When I open the same

Setting href to dynamic view name

Trying to pass view names dynamically to template and then creating hyperlink to each view. How can href be adjusted to handle it. Answer I do not know what stg.addLink returns but to make it work you need to change from to BUT AGAIN it may not work. It depents what stg.editLink returns

Why does linkextractor skip link?

I am Scraping some pages and am trying to use the LinkExtractor to get the URLs from the response. In general that is going quite ok, but the LinkExtractor is not able to extract the relative link to a pdf file that is found at line 111 of the html I have tried a lot, but haven’t been able to
