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How to check if strings are similar

I have the following strings First one under text is input string and the second is the one against which it is matched. Last is their fuzzywuzzy ratio. I’m matching it like this: If the country name is different it should return a lower score as opposed to when it is similar. Is there any way to do this? Answer

tkinter Python GUI Frame Positioning

How can you position the frames (and or elements inside the frames) such that the radio buttons at the bottom are shifted to the left outer edge of the GUI interface and the title is shifted to the center of the GUI interface? GUI Answer To achieve the goal: set columnspan=3 in frame_title.grid(…) set columnspan=2 in frame_fields.grid(…) move frame_scan to

Object of type BoundField is not JSON serializable

A have a chain of OneToMany relations (one) Construction -> Camera -> Frame -> Event I want to output data about Camera in EventSerializer (GET method). I am using get_construction method I want to use ConstructionSerializer for Construction object ( <class ‘api_buildings.models.Construction’>) But I have an error Object of type BoundField is not JSON serializable How can I fix

AES encryption between iOS and Python

I have functions to encrypt/decrypt using AES (128 and 256) on both iOS (CCCrypt) and python (pycryptdome). All test cases working on each platform but… when I take an AES key and encrypted string from iOS to python the decryption fails. I have looked extensively and tried various use cases to no avail. I’ve created a simple test case here

Assert statement s.islower

I have written the assert statements like this, I only need to write the asserts statements (as it states in the docstring), and I am assuming the last assert is wrong. I am trying to write that if the word is capitalized, then it violates the precondtion (in the assert statement). Thank you so much. Answer According to the documentation,

Pandas best way to iterate over rows quickly

I need to compare each value of a list to each value of a df column, and if there is a match take the value of another column. I have a couple of loops working with iterrows but the code is taking a long time to run. I was wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this?
