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KeyError when there exists a key

Using Tweepy, I was trying to live stream the Tweets and save it into database sqlite but as soon as I load the JSON file and store into database the error keeps on occurring saying KeyError : created_at but there already exists a key created_at. I tried with others too, but still the error persists. Here is my code: error

Full screen kivy camera with buttons on top of the picture

How can I make a full screen camera with buttons on top of the image. It doesn’t help, the camera still comes out with frames. Didn’t find anything about this in the official documentation. Answer Some minor changes to your code (component reorder, added Window.maximize() do what I think you’re looking for (edit: modified to make the camera as large

Regarding featuretools, the rank results are wrong

Using Featuretools, I want to convert the value of a certain feature to rank. This will be the exact question. If anyone can help me, please answer. First, the following code uses the rank function of pandas and displays the result. I believe this result is correct. However, when I create a custom primitive and run the following code, the

Reverse a Doubly Linked List is going in a Infinite Loop

The function Reversedll is going into infinite loop here Can anyone help me identify the cause for it????? Program Details : The given function reverseDLL(), which takes head reference as argument and should reverse the elements so that the tail becomes the new head and all pointers are correctly pointed. You need to return the new head of the reversed

Getting availabilities from a dynamic website with BeatifulSoup

I am trying to scrape a website like this: From this website, I’d like to get all date schedules (for 1 year) for the activity, and all of dates in the website are in form of span component. It is important for me to get notAllowed and flatpickr-disabled class from the component as I will have to filter available

Optimal way to acquire percentiles of DataFrame rows

Problem I have a pandas DataFrame df: My desired output, i.e. new_df, contains the 9 different percentiles including the median, and should have the following format: Attempt The following was my initial attempt: However, instead of returning the percentiles of all columns, it calculated these percentiles for each val column and therefore returned 1000 columns. As it calculated the percentiles
