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Count adjacent repeated elements in the list

What I expect: My code: What I got: I could not count the last element correctly. Here is another input: Answer Your code is not accounting for the last item in the list because you are avoiding an index out-of-bound error in the evaluation of lst[index] == lst[index+1] by iterating over a range of one less than the length of

Simple example of Pandas ExtensionArray

It seems to me that Pandas ExtensionArrays would be one of the cases where a simple example to get one started would really help. However, I have not found a simple enough example anywhere. Creating an ExtensionArray To create an ExtensionArray, you need to Create an ExtensionDtype and register it Create an ExtensionArray by implementing the required methods. There is

combine pd.loc and pd.iloc to assign value

My input: I try assign new value based on other column in this way it work: dd.loc[dd.iloc[:,1]==0,[‘result_’+cv_detail[0]] ] = ‘Other’ OR dd.loc[dd.sum_result_ICV == 0, “result_ICV”] = ‘Other’ But this code doesn’t, code make more columns, with assign new value into column: What difference? Answer Use double iloc first for select second column by dd.iloc[:,1], conmvert to numpy array for possible
