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Unable to find element BeautifulSoup

I am trying to parse a specific href link from the following website: Element i seek to parse: However, using BeautifulSoup I am unable to obtain the desired element, perhaps due to cookies acceptance. I am still new at BS4, and hope someone can help me on the right course. Thank you in advance! Answer To get correct tags,

Remove leading zeroes pandas

For example I have such a data frame And I need to remove all leading zeroes and replace NONEs with zeros: I did it with cycles but for large frames it works not fast enough. I’d like to rewrite it using vectores Answer you can try str.replace

Checking multiple user inputs against a list

I’m having an issue on my 2nd path with checking both team 1 and team 2 against the team list, the 2 solutions I’ve found has required both inputs to be the same to be accepted. Also is a while loop the best way to be going about this? Considering my goal is to not have any typo’s because I

how to empty a csv file before writing

Hi I am trying to make a function which writes a table in a csv file. But writerows and writerow just and an another table without clearing the first content(unLike in txt files) here is the class and the program before write_csv function after write_csv fuction As you can see this is not what I want please help me I
