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Why tensor size was not changed?

I made the toy CNN model. Then, I had checked model.summary via this code And I was able to get the following results: I want to reduce model size cuz i wanna increase the batch size. So, I had changed torch.float32 -> torch.float16 via NVIDIA/apex As a result, torch.dtype was changed torch.float16 from torch.float32. But, Param size (MB): 35.19 was

Hosting discord bot through Heroku – deploy error

I am trying to host my discord bot through heroku. I’m coding with python. But I got the following error when deploying from GitHub: That was the full build log that I saw on heroku. Can anyone help? Thx Answer You should change the first line in requirements.txt to git+ Because there is no tag or branch named “rewrite”.

Python3 delete n amount of elements in list after every loop

I can request the stock of 250 products at once. There are around about 7500-8000 products, but the amount changes by the day. So I try to request 250 products, delete them and do this again until my list(all_sku) holds less than 250 items in it, so I know this is my last request. Sounds pretty easy, but today e.g

Fast pathfinding and distance matrix in 2d grid

Context: I’m working on a warehouse simulation that supports different floor designs and simulates one or multiple agents that are tasked with order picking. One order can consist of more than one product. The routing for picking products is solved as a capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP). This requires a distance matrix between product locations, for which the A* algorithm

Find bit sequences that do not include specific sequence

I’m trying to find all non-overlap bit sequences satisfied the following constraints: starts with 0 ends with 110 or 111 does not contain 000 Here is my non-regex code in python: My current regex pattern is (0(^(?!000))*(?:110|111)). It doesn’t accept any bit between starting 0 and ending bits. For example, 010110 will return 0110 instead of expected 010110. Adding d*?,

How to find maximum group size dynamically

I want to find the maximum group size g_new if I want to partition a list of ‘n’ values. We can have any number of groups. I have: n values and maximum group size possible g_max. e.g. n = 110 and g_max = 25. We cannot form groups of size: [28,28,27,27] as no group should be more than 25! Here,

Error related to the number of input tensors in Keras

I am inputting series of float32 grayscale images as a list with 16*16 shape to python and try do a regression task with labels inputted from Pandas data frame. Here is the shape of images and df: I used train_test_split from sklearn to split the data to train and test: I am using the following model for doing the prediction,
