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Finding a public facing IP address in Python?

How can I find the public facing IP for my net work in Python? Answer This will fetch your remote IP address If you don’t want to rely on someone else, then just upload something like this PHP script: and change the URL in the Python or if you prefer ASP: Note: I don’t know ASP, but I figured it

Python Dependency Injection Framework

Is there a framework equivalent to Guice ( for Python? Answer I haven’t used it, but the Spring Python framework is based on Spring and implements Inversion of Control. There also appears to be a Guice in Python project: snake-guice

Character reading from file in Python

In a text file, there is a string “I don’t like this”. However, when I read it into a string, it becomes “I donxe2x80x98t like this”. I understand that u2018 is the unicode representation of “‘”. I use command to do the reading. Now, is it possible to read the string in such a way that when it is read

Text difference algorithm

I need an algorithm that can compare two text files and highlight their difference and ( even better!) can compute their difference in a meaningful way (like two similar files should have a similarity score higher than two dissimilar files, with the word “similar” defined in the normal terms). It sounds easy to implement, but it’s not. The implementation can

Is there an easy way to populate SlugField from CharField?

Is there a built-in way to get the slug field to autopopulate based on the title? Perhaps in the Admin and outside of the Admin. Answer for Admin in Django 1.0 and up, you’d need to use in your Your key in the prepopulated_fields dictionary is the field you want filled, and the value is a tuple of fields

How to read the RGB value of a given pixel in Python?

If I open an image with open(“image.jpg”), how can I get the RGB values of a pixel assuming I have the coordinates of the pixel? Then, how can I do the reverse of this? Starting with a blank graphic, ‘write’ a pixel with a certain RGB value? I would prefer if I didn’t have to download any additional libraries. Answer

Python Date Comparisons

I would like to find out if a particular python datetime object is older than X hours or minutes. I am trying to do something similar to: This generates a type error. What is the proper way to do date time comparison in python? I already looked at WorkingWithTime which is close but not exactly what I want. I assume

SVG rendering in a PyGame application. Prior to Pygame 2.0, Pygame did not support SVG. Then how did you load it?

In a pyGame application, I would like to render resolution-free GUI widgets described in SVG. How can I achieve this? (I like the OCEMP GUI toolkit but it seems to be bitmap dependent for its rendering) Answer This is a complete example which combines hints by other people here. It should render a file called test.svg from the current directory.
