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Tag: diff

pandas cumsum on lag-differenced dataframe

Say I have a pd.DataFrame() that I differenced with .diff(5), which works like “new number at idx i = (number at idx i) – (number at idx i-5)” Now I want to undo this operation using the first 5 entries of example_df, and using df_diff. If i had done .diff(1), I would simply use .cumsum(). But how can I achieve

Numpy diff inverted operation?

Working with numpy.diff function, suppose this simple case: How can I get easily x back to original scale not differenced? I suppose there is something with numpy.cumsum(). Answer Concatenate with the first element and then use cumsum – For concatenating, we can also use np.hstack, like so – Or with np.concatenate for the concatenation –

Python difflib: highlighting differences inline?

When comparing similar lines, I want to highlight the differences on the same line: While difflib.HtmlDiff appears to do this sort of inline highlighting, it produces very verbose markup. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find another class/method which does not operate on a line-by-line basis. Am I missing anything? Any pointers would be appreciated! Answer For your simple

Text difference algorithm

I need an algorithm that can compare two text files and highlight their difference and ( even better!) can compute their difference in a meaningful way (like two similar files should have a similarity score higher than two dissimilar files, with the word “similar” defined in the normal terms). It sounds easy to implement, but it’s not. The implementation can
