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Tag: widget

How to make a scrollable listbox? tkinter python

I want to create a listbox with an auto hiding scrollbar. I’ve been searching and found a class example; when I play around with it, the scrollbar doesn’t stayed attached to the right side as expected. This is the code: This is the first view when I run the code: When I expand the window the scrollbar disappears properly: But

How could I use and manipulate float numbers in PyPanel using textbox widgets instead of sliders?

The Problem: I’m trying to get a float number user input indicator box like this which I designed on LabView in Python using PyPanel to eventually make a dashboard with multiple similar boxes (etc.). Background: I’m trying to make a user friendly dashboard using PyPanel. I am new to dashboards but have some experience in running calculations and modelling in

Removing the selected items from streamlet’s multiselect

I am trying to delete objects from a list by choosing them via streamlits multiselect widget, having the list entries as entries of the widget. Thus, the list also decides what options are in the multiselect box. However, after the app reruns—once I deleted some options—I get the error: streamlit.errors.StreamlitAPIException: Every Multiselect default value must exist in options Here is

Printing a list to a Tkinter Text widget

I have a list of strings, and I want to print those strings in a Tkinter text widget, but I can’t insert each string in a new line. I tried this but didn’t work: Answer Append newline (‘n’) manually: BTW, you don’t need to use index to iterate a list. Just iterate the list. And don’t use list as a

SVG rendering in a PyGame application. Prior to Pygame 2.0, Pygame did not support SVG. Then how did you load it?

In a pyGame application, I would like to render resolution-free GUI widgets described in SVG. How can I achieve this? (I like the OCEMP GUI toolkit but it seems to be bitmap dependent for its rendering) Answer This is a complete example which combines hints by other people here. It should render a file called test.svg from the current directory.
