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How to mute/unmute sound using pywin32?

My searches lead me to the Pywin32 which should be able to mute/unmute the sound and detect its state (on Windows 10, using Python 3+). I found a way using an AutoHotkey script, but I’m looking for a pythonic way. More specifically, I’m not interested in playing with the Windows GUI. Pywin32 works using a Windows DLL. so far, I

Is tf.GradientTape in TF 2.0 equivalent to tf.gradients?

I am migrating my training loop to Tensorflow 2.0 API. In eager execution mode, tf.GradientTape replaces tf.gradients. The question is, do they have the same functionality? Specifically: In function gradient(): Is the parameter output_gradients equivalent to grad_ys in the old API? What about parameters colocate_gradients_with_ops. aggregation_method, gate_gradients of tf.gradients? Are they deprecated due to lack of use? Can they be

PySpark Dataframe melt columns into rows

As the subject describes, I have a PySpark Dataframe that I need to melt three columns into rows. Each column essentially represents a single fact in a category. The ultimate goal is to aggregate the data into a single total per category. There are tens of millions of rows in this dataframe, so I need a way to do the

pandas read_html – no tables found

I am attempting to see if I can read a table of data from, but I am getting a type error for no tables found. (first timer on web scraping too here) There is also another person with a very similar stackoverflow question here with WU table of data, but the solution is a little bit complicated to me.

how flask-sqlalchemy turn off returning id while insert data

I’m trying to insert data to PostgreSQL 8.3.23 by Flask-SQLAlchemy==2.3.2, the errors show that INSERT statement is not supported in this version of Greenplum Database. so how can I turn off returning id in (flask-)sqlalchemy while insert. Thanks in advance Answer You need to set the implicit_returning create_engine parameter to False. When True, a RETURNING- compatible construct, if available, will

Tensorflow._api.v2.train has no attribute ‘AdamOptimizer’

When using in my Jupyter Notebook the following Error pops up: module ‘tensorflow._api.v2.train’ has no attribute ‘AdamOptimizer’ Tensorflow Version: 2.0.0-alpha0 Do you think the only possibility is to downgrade the TF version? Answer From

When should I use None vs False?

From what I’ve seen, the only time None and False behave differently is when they’re compared to each other (for equality). Am I missing something, or is it ok to use only one or the other as long as you’re consistent in your usage? Is there any reason to use one over the other? Answer I would emphasize here the

Fastest way to store a numpy array in redis

I’m using redis on an AI project. The idea is to have multiple environment simulators running policies on a lot of cpu cores. The simulators write experience (a list of state/action/reward tuples) to a redis server (replay buffer). Then a training process reads the experience as a dataset to generate a new policy. New policy is deployed to the simulators,
