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Tag: boolean

How can I replace a string value with its corresponding Boolean value in a nested dictionary in Python?

I was recently given a project to do for my Python college course. Basically, you save a dictionary in a csv file with csv.DictWriter, and then you load it back into another dictionary with csv.DictReader. However, for some reason, one of the automated unittests fails my function because the final dictionary contains values “True” or “False” instead of Bool values

How to use boolean on list correctly?

(result True) I want result become False if only one in list A or B have small value than a or b. In this code B[1] < b[1] (5 >= 10) result I expect is False but is output True Answer From official doc: The comparison uses lexicographical ordering: first the first two items are compared, and if they differ

Cant use the Boolean operator ‘or’ in a if statement to initiate if either string contains the following characters. Only works if separate statements

Part of the project I`m working on requires me to automate arcGIS functions using python. While trying to locate files I noticed that when I included the ‘or’ operator in my if statement that the loop would stop collecting files after currentDirList no longer contained the first string. The other half of the data is named differently and I thought

Using If statement with string values in Python

I have a df where column A is either blank or has a string in it. I tried to write the if statement (all columns are strings) below. Basically, if there is something (any value) in df[A], then the new column value will be a concatenation of columns A, B and C. If there is no value in df[A], then

Drop rows in df based on if file name from df exists in folder

I have a dataframe which contains 40108 rows and a folder with pictures (only using a sample of the total 40108 pictures) containing 997 files. The file names of the images correspond to the rows in the column ‘imdbId’ in the df, with the addition that they have the .jpg suffix. I would like to drop all rows in my

When should I use None vs False?

From what I’ve seen, the only time None and False behave differently is when they’re compared to each other (for equality). Am I missing something, or is it ok to use only one or the other as long as you’re consistent in your usage? Is there any reason to use one over the other? Answer I would emphasize here the
