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Tag: artificial-intelligence

Keras and Tensorflow OS resource requirement

I keep getting F tensorflow/core/platform/default/] Check failed: ret == 0 (11 vs. 0)Thread tf_data_private_threadpool creation via pthread_create() failed. errors during training, although the machine is quite powerful: altogether 64 logical cores ulimit -s gives 32768, ulimit -u gives 1030608 I want to train the following network with a bunch of online generated 512*512 grayscale images along with two additional parameters

Fastest way to store a numpy array in redis

I’m using redis on an AI project. The idea is to have multiple environment simulators running policies on a lot of cpu cores. The simulators write experience (a list of state/action/reward tuples) to a redis server (replay buffer). Then a training process reads the experience as a dataset to generate a new policy. New policy is deployed to the simulators,

Searching any tree in Python

I need to write a function in Python that takes a tree and an index and returns the subtree or leaf at that index. I tried with loops and nested loops until I realized that the tree that had to run the tests was always the same: which actually looks like this: Sample tree So all I needed to pass
