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Create terminal name for execute python script in Ubuntu

I have a python file in: ‘/home/username/scripts/pyscript’ and I want set a word for execute directly this script. I want do this “python3 /home/username/scripts/pyscript/ arg1 arg2” but looks like this “myscript arg1 arg2” Is this posible? Thank you anyway. Answer Finally I solver with the help of @pierpaciugo I add a alias at the end of the .bashrc for make

Why am i getting NoReserverMatch at /?

I am new to Python and trying to develop a simple blog application.I am getting NoReverseMatch at / error while trying canonical url. Tried different solution to fix this but i am getting help for django versions which are old. Please help me with a solution for updated Django version. ERROR: Reverse for ‘post_details’ with arguments ‘(2020, ’08’, ’15’, ‘indian-software-industry’)’

How to make pop-up window with force attention in Tkinter

I want to create a window which doesn’t allow the user to access other windows until you give an input. I tried win.attribute(“ontop”, True) but it allows the user to access other windows. or is there any function like a force_focus_lock() in Tkinter python 3.8 which doesn’t allow other window to get focus until you give a input or the

Python try_decorator to retry i2c connections

I am communicating with some hardware over an I2C bus. Every so often, there is an exception as the bus is busy so I am currently handling this with a loop that retries, but there’s a lot of code repetition, I want to tidy it up. So, I tried to write a decorator function to pass various functions to As

Writing dask bag to DB using custom function

I’m running a function on dask bag to dump data into NoSQL DB like: Now when I look at the dask task graph, after each partition completes the write_to_db function, it is being shown as memory instead ofreleased. My Questions: How to tell dask that there is no return value and hence mark memory as released? For example in the

How to use sympy to algebraically solve a two sided equation

I’d like to use sympy to solve he following equation in terms of x, g, and w. Here’s what I thought I should code But this seems to be trying to solve for a numerical answer. Answer You can create a 2-sided equation with Eq: When you say that you want to solve “in terms of x, g and w”

How to solve “NotImplementedError”

I defined a three layer convolution layer(self.convs) ,the input tensor has the shape([100,10,24]) When I excuate x_convs = self.convs(Variable(torch.from_numpy(X).type(torch.FloatTensor))), it gives me the error The ConvBlock is defined as below The “forward” function has correct indent, so I cannot figure it out what is going on. Answer You are trying to call a ModuleList, which is a list (i.e. a

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘webdriver_manager’ error even after installing webdrivermanager

I’ve installed webdrivermanager on my windows-10 system Still whenever I am trying to use webdrivermanager I’m facing an error. Code Block: Console Output: Can someone help me, if I’m missing something? Incase it adds any value, I’m using sublimetext3 Answer Update (thanks to Vishal Kharde) The documentation now suggests: Solution: Install it like that: instead of pip install webdrivermanager. Requirements:
