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Error converting string to date field in Pandas

As you can infer from the above , When I try to convert the string , it gives error. Tried below codes but got same error as,day is not defined, As SO memeber suggested,I edited code but index stills the string, did not convert to day Answer If you don’t want to create another column, then just this will do:

comparing multiple lines of a txt file to a single variable in python

I want to know how to compare multiple lines of a text file to a single variable. I have got it partially working but it only compares to last line of text file Answer That’s because rather than the standard way of writing a line of text followed by a newline, you’re writing the newline first. So the last line

Python: Create lists from diagonal values in a dataframe

I’m trying to create a routine in Python to collect every diagonal group of values in df. Here’s a reproducible example of what I’m trying to achieve: This code returns me one single list: And based on the structure of the given df, what I’m trying to achieve is: From what I’ve seen I could do this by creating a

merging multiple tables – pd.concat: append vs yield

Assume we have quite a few of .xls or .xlsx files stored in a directory, and there are two ways of feeding them into pd.concat to get one big table: yield vs append. Judging by %%timeit magic, both are pretty much the same? tested on 100 xls/xlsx files If there’s a difference between these two, which one should be used?

Grouping speaker dialogue in a written transcript

I have a txt file for a transcript. Example content: I would like to write some python code that will give the following output: So if Travis de Ronde is talking, for example, I want all of his dialogue to be on one “line” under his name until he is finished speaking or another speaker begins talking. Answer This is

For loop: how to print last element without blank space?

I have a strange problem which I cant figure out for some time now. I have 4 nested for loops and in the last one: How can I remove the blank space the last time it prints, i.e the last time all flags are True? And I have to note that I still haven’t learned functions and lists. Answer Ok,

Why python pickle does not work dos to unix?

Few days ago I coded a mini game to learn socket and threading. When I run my game server and client on windows it just works perfectly but when I moved my server file to my test server it gives me this pickle error: What could be the problem? Whole game files: ——————————————————————————— Codes that might help: Answer
