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Tag: convolution

if and else in Convolution function

I have a problem with use if and else statement in convolution function. this code return error: use any() or all() how to can i use condition in convolve? I hope you always good luck. thanks. Answer The name function is called with a numpy array as the parameter. “Is the array less than 300?” isn’t meaningful. Are all the

Python , Convolution

I want to take the part of mat (matrix) after every three slides. The code I have is taking the part of matrix after one slide. I want to take the first 3 by 3 part of the matrix and then slide 3 columns to the right and take 3 by 3 part and so on, going through all the

How to solve “NotImplementedError”

I defined a three layer convolution layer(self.convs) ,the input tensor has the shape([100,10,24]) When I excuate x_convs = self.convs(Variable(torch.from_numpy(X).type(torch.FloatTensor))), it gives me the error The ConvBlock is defined as below The “forward” function has correct indent, so I cannot figure it out what is going on. Answer You are trying to call a ModuleList, which is a list (i.e. a
