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How to make Notes using kivyMD?

How to save Data in it? For Data saving in kivyMD which method should be used such as JSON or Python Dictionary? In additional, Can you tell me how to add reminder in calendar? Thnx A lot :) Answer

Passing an html element from anchor tag to django view

I would like to know how i can pass the html link element as a string into a django view and have the information rendered on that specific view. to be clear: I have this In html A django view rendered the items from a list and each item would ideally be clickable and the specific item would be passed

Removing a char from a pandas dataframe column with for loop

I have a DF that has a country column and some of that countries has “(” in it. I tried to remove all of that “(” s with this for loop: But when I print that DF again, I see all parenthesis did not removed. I’d be happy if someone say where I made a mistake. Thanks. Answer You don’t

How to add number to each item in list?

I want to add automatic number to each item in the list using for : at the end that what i want to look like: the code that i write: Which outputs Answer You can use enumerate for this quite simply as –

Python how to create a new column that measures proximity to a city?

I have a dataframe with Latitude and Longitude columns, How do I create a column that measures the distance towards a particular location with coordinates (47.631872, -122.217109) In particular I’d like to use the geodesic function from geopy for the distance: from geopy.distance import geodesic. It takes in the inputs of 2 tuples containing latitudes and longitudes, and outputs the
