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Tag: web-scraping

Why does my Selenium URL_to_be statement not work?

Selenium does not seem to register that I manually go to the page. Does anyone know a solution? My goal is to manually do the captcha at the login page and afterwards, when I log in and land on the main page I want the script to resume. Answer There are two ways I can think of, one by

Getting no data when scraping a table

I am trying to scrape historical data from a table in coinmarketcap. However, the code that I run gives back “no data.” I thought it would be fairly easy, but not sure what I am missing. Output: Answer You don’t need to scrape the data, you can get request it: Output:

using Selenium to get texts inside ‘ul’ tag?

Please help me to find the solution to get the text inside ‘ul’ tag. I want to get the information which is separated with commas like: ‘Contains Enzymatically Active B-Vitamins, Dietary Supplement, Non-GMO LE Certified’ website link: picture: enter image description here This is the HTML code: Answer This should do it: Output:

How to select all tags HTML

From this webpage I need to select all tags <b> </b> with BeautifulSoup4. I have tried using find_all() and select() but they fail to show all <b> tags when used in the array Answer There are different parsers used in parsing a html document, the most used one is ‘html.parser’. I have used lxml here which uses both xml and
