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Tag: web-scraping

Python Scrape Forum for Title for each Post

I’m new to Web scraping and new to Python. I want to scrape for the title of each Posting at the Forum of the URL, so then a new Post is created with 1 of the Titles below i’d like to receive a Mail with that Link of the Post. With searching for the div structItem-title i receive the 23

Python – Scraping a PDF file from a URL

I want to scrape pdf files from this site I tried this code for that but it doesn’t work. Can anybody tell me why, please? Answer your url is pointing to a reader, remove the ‘reader.php?var= for the actual pdf

Python Beautiful Soup html.parser returns none

I have a feeling the information is somewhere on stack overflow, but I can’t find it :-/ I’m looking to get the text from this website: but my code returns ‘None.’ All help is super appreciated! returns Thanks!! Answer There is no html in the site. You can just print r.content directly (however, I prefer r.text as it is

Beautiful Soup and requests problem it doesn’t show any text output

I am using beautiful soup and requests to print full text of the article of this wedsite This is my code: My code run without any error but it does’t show any text in output plz help me find my error Answer What happens? You try to find_all() div tags with two classes that do not exists, so match

BeautifulSoup choosing a line from output

I try to make a python script that gets the dam occupancy rates from a website. Here is the code: The output is like this: Genel Doluluk Oranı means occupancy rate. I need the value of occupancy rate which writes in next line like 29,48. How can I get this value from output? Answer Cause question and expected result is

Can’t get tags when scraping data

I am trying to scrape all tr tags using BeautifulSoup, but it returns none. Code: Even though there are tr tags in this url, it returns none and throws an IndexError. Why is this happening? Answer In page source table is located inside comment. You need to extract comment content and then parse it as HTML:

Message: element click intercepted: Element … is not clickable at point (657, 594). Other element would receive the click with Selenium

I was making a webscraper to get gpu stocks from to get my hands on a 30 series card, I am using python with bs4 and selenium for this. I want to load more shopping items, on the website it has this load more button. So I grabbed its class and made it so selenium clicks it: but it

Why does linkextractor skip link?

I am Scraping some pages and am trying to use the LinkExtractor to get the URLs from the response. In general that is going quite ok, but the LinkExtractor is not able to extract the relative link to a pdf file that is found at line 111 of the html I have tried a lot, but haven’t been able to
