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Tag: web-scraping

Extract href by class Selenium Python

Im trying to get all hrefs that are found the a specific class next to them. Im not really familiar with HTML so I’m having some trouble. Basically the HTML code in inspect is: I’m using the find_elements command to find all lines that include the class “notranslate _0imsa ” like this: I then extract all hrefs from “links” with

Selenium / Use pagination on site?

i want to trigger the pagination on this site: I found the element with this XPATH in the chrome-inspector: Now i want to click this element to go one page further – but i get an error. This is my code: But i get this error: How can i go to the next page using selenium? Answer The go

How to use playwright and beautifulsoup on web page which has pagination?

Locked for 37 days. There are disputes about this question’s content being resolved at this time. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions. I am new to web scraping. I want to scrape the data (comments and respective dates) from this web page–151777938 It has pagination for pages…. This is the way I am doing This code

Extract single data point from multiple, webscraping

I am trying to extract stock symbols (3rd column) from the table in below screener: and pass them on to a dataframe. Due to my limited knowledge, I have hit a wall and can not move past it. My code is: Output: I just need stock symbols: M&M, APOLLOTYRE etc., and passed into a dataframe. Can someone pls guide.

How to go to the next page using BeautifulSoup?

I am trying to scrape data from all the 37 web pages from this website. The website I am scrapping doesn’t allow going to the next page through the search bar. This is the HTML written for the next button. I know that this can be done with Selenium, but is there any way to do this with BeautifulSoup? Is
